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Overview of pipeline

Stage 1: profile

The profile-stage creates a profile report of your data set. The report will contain information on the number of variables, number of samples, statistical properties of all the variables and correlation between variables, among other things. The report may also generate warnings, for example if there are some variables that contain a large amount of null-values, or if a variable stays constant all the time. These warnings are used to clean the data in the next stage of the pipeline.

The profile report is saved to the file assets/profile/profile.html, which can be opened in a browser to give a comprehensive view of the properties of your data set.


No parameters are mandatory in this stage, but the following parameters can be specified for this stage in params.yaml:

Example: Place files in assets/data/raw/[NAME OF DATA SET]/, and specify the parameter like so:

    dataset: [NAME OF DATASET]

It the parameter is left empty, data files must be placed directly in assets/data/raw/. See Quickstart for more info on how to add data to your project.

Next stage: clean