ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Dynamic architectures

ATHENA Model-Driven Interoperability (MDI) Framework

Model-driven development (MDD), and in particular OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA), is emerging as the state of practice for developing modern enterprise applications and software systems. The MDD paradigm provides us with a better way of addressing and solving interoperability issues compared to earlier non-modelling approaches.

The ATHENA Model-Driven Interoperability (MDI) Framework provides guidelines for how model-driven development (MDD) approaches can be applied in developing interoperable enterprise software systems.

The MDI framework aims at providing guidelines for the following topics:

  • Model-driven architecture (MDA) and interoperability
  • Metamodelling
  • UML profiles and domain-specific languages (DSLs)
  • Model transformations
  • Method engineering