ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)


The operational ability to collaborate is a key success factor for networked enterprises, and interoperability is the target result of the enterprises involved in long established as well as ad-hoc or occasional forms of collaborations. The ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF) provides a compound framework and associated reference architecture for capturing the research elements and solutions to interoperability issues that address the problem in a holistic way by inter-relating relevant information from different perspectives of the enterprise.


The following people (listed in alphabetical order by surname) have contributed to the development of the ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF):

  • Maria Anastasiou, INTRACOM, Greece
  • Arne-Jørgen Berre, SINTEF ICT, Norway
  • Brian Elvesæter, SINTEF ICT, Norway
  • Nicolas Figay, EADS, France
  • Oscar Garcia, AIDIMA, Spain
  • Ulrike Greiner, SAP AG, Germany
  • Claudia Guglielmina, TXT, Italy
  • Svein G. Johnsen, SINTEF ICT, Norway
  • Håvard D. Jørgensen, AKM AS, Norway
  • Dag Karlsen, AKM AS, Norway
  • Thomas Knothe, IPK, Germany
  • Frank Lillehagen, AKM AS, Norway
  • Sonia Lippe, SAP, Germany
  • Jörg Müller, SIEMENS, Germany
  • Lorenzo Pondrelli, FORMULA, Italy
  • Igor Santos, ESI, Spain
  • Giorgio Sobrito, CRF, Italy


The work is partly funded by the European Commission through the ATHENA IP (Advanced Technologies for interoperability of Heterogeneous Enterprise Networks and their Applications Integrated Project) (IST-507849) ( The work does not represent the view of the European Commission or the ATHENA consortium, and the authors are solely responsible for the content.