ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)



[], "The Apache Forrest Project".

[ATHENA 2003] ATHENA, "Annex I - Description of Work", ATHENA IP, 12. December 2003.

[ATHENA 2006a] ATHENA, "ATHENA Model-Driven Interoperability (MDI) Framework", ATHENA IP, 2006a.

[ATHENA 2006b] ATHENA, "ATHENA Service-Oriented Interoperability (SOI) Framework", ATHENA IP, 2006b.

[ATHENA 2007a] ATHENA, "ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF) Website", ATHENA IP, 2007a.

[ATHENA 2007b] ATHENA, "ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF) Model", ATHENA IP, 2007b.

[ATHENA A1 2004a] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.5.1: MCPE Specification, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.5.1, September 2004a.

[ATHENA A1 2004b] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.1.1: First Version of State of the Art in Enterprise Modelling Techniques and Technologies to Support Enterprise Interoperability, Version 1.2", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.1.1, July 2004b.

[ATHENA A1 2005a] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.3.1: Report on Methodology description and guidelines definition, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.3.1, March 2005a.

[ATHENA A1 2005b] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.2.1: Model and Report – First Set of Requirements, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.2.1, February 2005b.

[ATHENA A1 2005c] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.4.1: Framework for the Establishment and Management Methodology, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.4.1, February 2005c.

[ATHENA A1 2005d] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.5.2: Collaborative Modelling Platform First Prototype, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.5.2, July 2005d.

[ATHENA A1 2006] ATHENA A1, "D.A1.6.1: Evaluation and Benefit Assessment, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A1.6.1, February 2006.

[ATHENA A2 2005a] ATHENA A2, "D.A2.1: Cross-Organisational Business Process requirements and the State of the Art in Research, Technology and Standards, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A2.1, November 2005a.

[ATHENA A2 2005b] ATHENA A2, "D.A2.2: Specification of a Cross-Organisational Business Process Model, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A2.2, June 2005b.

[ATHENA A2 2005c] ATHENA A2, "D.A2.3: Architecture for Enactment and Integration of Cross-Organisational Business Processes, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A2.3, August 2005c.

[ATHENA A2 2005d] ATHENA A2, "D.A2.4: Architecture for Enactment and Integration of Cross-Organizational Business Processes, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A2.4, November 2005d.

[ATHENA A2 2006] ATHENA A2, "D.A2.5: Validation of Research Results, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A2.5, January 2006.

[ATHENA A3 2005] ATHENA A3, "D.A3.1: SoA on Ontologies and the Ontology Authoring and Management System, with Ontology Modelling Language, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A3.1, March 2005.

[ATHENA A3 2006a] ATHENA A3, "D.A3.2: Updated version of the Ontology Authoring and Management System with semantic search functions, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A3.2, February 2006a.

[ATHENA A3 2006b] ATHENA A3, "D.A3.3: Semantic Annotation language and tool for Information and Business Processes, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A3.3, February 2006b.

[ATHENA A3 2006c] ATHENA A3, "D.A3.4: A system for reconciliation rules specification, storage and management, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A3.4, February 2006c.

[ATHENA A3 2006d] ATHENA A3, "D.A3.5: A reconciliation and mediation engine, capable to efficiently process semantic mediation and reconciliation rules, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A3.5, January 2006d.

[ATHENA A4 2005] ATHENA A4, "D.A4.1: Requirements for Interoperability Framework, product-based and process-based Interoperability Infrastructures, Interoperability Life-cycle Services, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A4.1, March 2005.

[ATHENA A4 2006] ATHENA A4, "WD.A4.2: Specification of Interoperability Framework and Profiles, Guidelines and Best Practices", ATHENA IP, Working document WD.A4.2, 2006.

[ATHENA A4 2007a] ATHENA A4, "D.A4.3: Product-based Interoperability Infrastructure and Profiles", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A4.3, 2007a.

[ATHENA A4 2007b] ATHENA A4, "D.A4.4: Process-based Interoperability Infrastructure and Profiles", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A4.4, 2007b.

[ATHENA A4 2007c] ATHENA A4, "D.A4.5: Interoperability life-cycle Services", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A4.5, 2007c.

[ATHENA A4 2007d] ATHENA A4, "D.A4.6: Validation of research results - product-based and process-based interoperability infrastructures, Interoperability life-cycle Services", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A4.6, 2007d.

[ATHENA A5 2005a] ATHENA A5, "D.A5.3: Architecture of SOA platforms, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A5.3, November 2005a.

[ATHENA A5 2005b] ATHENA A5, "D.A5.4: Execution Framework(s) for Planned and Customisable Service-Oriented Architectures, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A5.4, November 2005b.

[ATHENA A5 2005c] ATHENA A5, "D.A5.2: Model and Specification of Service Descriptions and Usage as well as Advanced Concepts, Version 1.1", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A5.2, August 2005c.

[ATHENA A5 2005d] ATHENA A5, "D.A5.1: Perspectives on Service-Oriented Architectures and there application in environments that require solutions to be planned and customisable, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A5.1, November 2005d.

[ATHENA A5 2006] ATHENA A5, "D.A5.5: Validation of Research Results, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A5.5, February 2006.

[ATHENA A6 2005] ATHENA A6, "D.A6.1: Specification of a Basic Architecture Reference Model, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A6.1, 2005.

[ATHENA A6 2006a] ATHENA A6, "D.A6.3: Model-driven and Adaptable Interoperability Framework, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A6.3, February 2006a.

[ATHENA A6 2006b] ATHENA A6, "D.A6.4: Model-driven and Adaptable Interoperability Infrastructure, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A6.4, January 2006b.

[ATHENA A6 2006c] ATHENA A6, "D.A6.2: Enhanced Registry/Repository Infrastructure, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A6.2, February 2006c.

[ATHENA A7 2006] ATHENA A7, "D.A7.1: Analysis of Industry Best Practice in Business Documents and Protocols, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A7.1, January 2006.

[ATHENA A7 2007a] ATHENA A7, "D.A7.2: ATHENA Approach to Business Document and Protocol Management", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A7.2, January 2007a.

[ATHENA A7 2007b] ATHENA A7, "D.A7.3: Business Content for Selected Industry Best Practice", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A7.3, January 2007b.

[ATHENA A8 2006] ATHENA A8, "D.A8.1: Analysis of Interoperability Situation and needs of SMEs and current approaches, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A8.1, January 2006.

[ATHENA A8 2007a] ATHENA A8, "D.A8.2: Guidelines and Best Practices for applying the ATHENA Interoperability Framework to support SME participation in Digital Ecosystems", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A8.2, January 2007a.

[ATHENA A8 2007b] ATHENA A8, "D.A8.3: Updated ATHENA tools and infrastructures supporting B5 Sub Projects", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.A8.3, January 2007b.

[ATHENA B3 2006a] ATHENA B3, "D.B3.1: Business Interoperability Framework, Version 1.01", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B3.1, 31 January 2006a.

[ATHENA B3 2006b] ATHENA B3, "D.B3.3: Interoperability Impact Analysis Model", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B3.3, 30 November 2006b.

[ATHENA B4 2004] ATHENA B4, "D.B4.1: Dynamic Requirement Definition Principles, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B4.1, September 2004.

[ATHENA B4 2005] ATHENA B4, "D.B4.2: Global Processes of Reference, Version 1.1", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B4.2, November 2005.

[ATHENA B4 2006a] ATHENA B4, "D.B4.4: DRDS, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B4.4, February 2006a.

[ATHENA B4 2006b] ATHENA B4, "D.B4.3: Scenarios Mapped with Interoperability issues, Version 1.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B4.3, January 2006b.

[ATHENA B5 2005] ATHENA B5, "D.B5.1: Methodology & Technology Testing Report, Version 2.0", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B5.1, July 2005.

[ATHENA B5 2007] ATHENA B5, "D.B5.3: Users Guide to Athena Prototyping Services", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.B5.3, March 2007.

[ATHENA C1 2006] ATHENA C1, "D.C1.4d: Updated Implementation Plan M25-M36, Version 0.9", ATHENA IP, Deliverable D.C1.4d, February 2006.

[BEA Systems, et al. 2003] BEA Systems, International Business Machines Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, SAP AG, and Siebel Systems, "Business Process Execution Language for Web Services, Version 1.1", 2003.

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[Benguria, et al. 2006] G. Benguria, X. Larrucea, B. Elvesæter, T. Neple, A. Beardsmore, and M. Friess, "A Platform Independent Model for Service Oriented Architectures", in Proc. of the 2nd Conference for Interoperability for Enterprise and Software Applications (I-ESA'06), Bordeaux, France, 2006.

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[EUP 2006] EUP, "Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) Home Page", Enterprise Unified Process, 2006.

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[IBM] IBM, "Rational Software Modeler".

[IBM, et al. 2004] IBM, Adaptive, Borland, Data Access Technologies, EDS, and 88 Solutions, "Business Process Definition Metamodel - Revised submission", Object Management Group, bei/2004-01-02, 2004.

[IBM Corporation, et al. 2004] IBM Corporation, Adaptive, Borland, Data Access Technologies, EDS, and Solutions, "Business Process Definition Metamodel - Revised Submission to BEI RFP bei/2003-01-06", Object Management Group (OMG), Document bei/04-08-03, 2004.

[IDABC 2004] IDABC, "European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European eGovernment Services, Version 1.0", IDABC, 2004.

[IDABC 2007] IDABC, "European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European eGovernment Services, Version 2.0", IDABC, 2007. Forthcoming at

[IDEAS 2003a] IDEAS, "A Gap Analysis (second version)", IDEAS, Deliverable D.3.4, 2003a.

[IDEAS 2003b] IDEAS, "Required Activities in Research, Technology and Standardisation to close the RTS Gap (second version)", IDEAS, Deliverable D.3.5, 2003b.

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[INTEROP TG6 2005] INTEROP TG6, "State of the Art: Exploration of Methods and Method Engineering Approaches", Deliverable DTG 6.1, 2005.

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