ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Active Knowledge Model (AKM) Execution Platform


Solution data
NameActive Knowledge Model (AKM) Execution Platform
Result typeModelling and execution platform
Description/functionalityAn active model platform has these primary characteristics:
  • Integrates modelling and execution, concurrently at runtime, allowing business users to compose and customise simple interoperable solutions without programming,
  • Captures business logic (enterprise models) in executable models, rather than hard-coding it into software, creating an open infrastructure more easy to integrate and extend.
  • Integrates modelling at different meta-levels, concurrently at runtime, replacing both data and the software the manipulates it with reflective models.
  • Supports knowledge-intensive ad-hoc, emergent and dynamic cross-organisational processes, not just automated routine procedures,
  • Provides a simple and easily configurable collaboration infrastructure for SMEs and other companies not willing or able to invest in large scale automation,
  • Enables prototyping and piloting of cross-organisational solutions, letting companies interact and establish mutual trust in the early phases of a collaboration, without a large up-front investment,
  • Facilitates cross-organisational training, experimentation and testing during the early phases of solution development,
  • Enables exceptions of predefined procedures to be captured and managed inside the system, for traceability, accountability, and coordination

The Active Model Execution Platform provides the following functions

  • A template and modelling language for configuring portal structures and services in visual models, in the Metis tool
  • A set of composable and configurable web user interface elements to built solutions from, e.g. lists, trees, tabfolders, navigation and edit controls,
  • A multi-layered and multi-dimensional configuration framework, where features can be inherited along any relevant relationship, as well as through users' modelled roles,
  • A modelling language and import facility for web services, as well as a configurable web service invocation component on the AKM server.
  • A parameterised query interface for model-configuring the navigation structures on top of large models
  • A generic, interactive framework for extracting parameters for services from the current user, task and collaboration context.
Benefits to interoperabilityWhat are the benefits of applying the result in terms of improving interoperability?
Supported models/methodologies-
Supported input interfaces-
Supported output interfaces-
Validation/demonstrationThe capabilities of the Active Model Execution Platform for setting up generic, model-configured application services will be validated through its use for defining Troux task management solution in A2. The platform's qualities for providing more customised business and user solutions will be prototyped and validated alongside the A1 results in
  • defining and managing the overall collaboration space, as well as targetted collaborative workplaces for specific projects, in the EADS pilot,
  • establishing, utilising and adapting individual workplaces for the product manager role in the product portfolio management pilot at Intracom.
The system will be demonstrated for the EADS pilot during the M24 review, and then installed on a server hosted by Troux.
Standards complianceThe AKM platform interoperates with external enterprise modeling tools throught the POP* (Product, Organization, Process etc.) language and the EKA (Enterprise Knowledge Architecture) XML format defined by A1. This language has been taken into the standardisation process at ISO, and it is also being proposed for the OMG. The platform also offers services for importing data into models through standard formats such as SQL, XML, and tools such as Microsoft Excel and Project. The XML import has been used for capturing WSDL definitions as web service models.
AvailabilityHosted service/solution

The AKM platform is built as a customisable extension to the Metis Enterprise product line. It utilises the Metis client tools for visual modeling, the Troux Information Portal (TIP) for model-configured web workplaces and portals, the Metis Enterprise Repository for storing models, and the Metis Team repository for storing document and model view files. The Metis Team repository also implements the MPCE services defined by A1.

Web references-
ATHENA metadata
Contact personHåvard Jørgensen, AKM
Provided by project/activity
  • A1 – Enterprise Modelling in the Context of Collaborative Enterprises
  • A6 – Model-driven and Adaptive Interoperability Architectures
Deliverables representing result-
Contribution to key result
  • 9. Collaborative Enterprise Modelling Platform
Used in pilot-
Deliverable providing evaluation-