ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

EXP2XSD (Express to XSD model transformation)


Solution data
NameEXP2XSD (Express to XSD model transformation)
Result typeModel transformation
Description/functionalityThe EXP2XSD model transformation tool, is a tool that makes the mapping of the structural part of a model described in STEP-EXPRESS (ISO 10303-28) to XML Schemas (XSD) according to the recommendations of Part28 (ISO 10303-28).
Benefits to interoperability
  • The STEP standard currently defines three neutral data exchange formats – ASCII text file (STEP Part 21), programming language APIs (STEP Part 22-27, 29), and XML (STEP Part 28).
  • Only a few relatively specialized applications, such as STEP translators and STEP repositories, use the API programming language, called Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) [5,9]. Unlike the STEP Part 21 syntax, XML data is easily extensible and is supported by numerous inexpensive and widely used software tools. Thus, from the perspective of a typical programmer, it is easier to render XML data into forms that are suitable for human perusal [2].
  • The output of this transformation tool is the representation of the model in XML that will be used for implementation purposes, and also in the conformance testing process.
Supported models/methodologies-
Supported input interfacesEXPRESS
Supported output interfacesXML Schemas
Validation/demonstrationValidation and demonstration in the B5 testing and piloting activities, particulary for AIDIMA and EADS scenarios.
Standards compliance
AvailabilityInstalled service/solution
  • Requires JAVA 1.4 or above.
  • Depends on the Part 28 evolution, wich specifies a standard way to map from the EXPRESS standard to the XSD standard
Web references 
ATHENA metadata
Contact personHugo Vieira, UNINOVA
Provided by project/activity
  • A6 – Model-driven and Adaptive Interoperability Architectures
Deliverables representing result-
Contribution to key result
  • 13. Model-driven and Adaptable Interoperability Framework and Infrastructure
Used in pilot-
Deliverable providing evaluation-