ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)



Solution data
Result typeModelling tool
Description/functionalityMaestro is a business process modelling tool on a technical level that implements the methodology for modelling cross-organisational business processes (CBPs) developed in ATHENA A2. To model CBPs each partner starts from a private process describing the steps executed in its organisation. Then a view process is created that provides a process-oriented interface to the partners whilst at the same time hiding internal process steps that should not be published. The CBP then links the view processes of all partners and defines at which steps data and messages area exchanged between partners.

With Maestro it is possible to model private processes, view processes and CBPs and their interlinkage in a semi-automated way. When defining view processes out of private processes, links are kept automatically and for CBPs, sender and receiver nodes are automatically inserted. Processes can be saved into the repository of the runtime execution engine Nehemiah.

Benefits to interoperability
  • Implementation of view approach into modelling tool
  • Support of required CBP mechanism that selectively hides details of private processes, whilst providing a process-oriented interface to the outside world, facilitating interweaving into partner processes
  • Joint modelling of CBPs
Supported models/methodologies-
Supported input interfacesv1.2.03: Proprietary Maestro Interface
Supported output interfacesv1.2.03: Proprietary Maestro/Nehemiah interface
Validation/demonstrationValidation through demonstrator.
  • modelling of CRF sourcing scenario
  • modelling of eProcurement CBP, demonstration of supplier sub-scenario
  • modelling of change management process of EADS scenario
Standards complianceNo direct links.
Requirements/dependenciesNo dependencies. Installation requirements: Java 1.4
Web references
ATHENA metadata
Provided by project/activity
  • A2 – Cross-Organisational Business Processes
Deliverables representing result
  • D.A2.2: Specification of a Cross-Organisational Business Process Model (M15)
  • D.A2.4: Enactment of Cross-Organisational Business Processes (M21)
Contribution to key result
  • 10. Cross-Organisational Business Process Modelling and Enactment
Used in pilot
  • AIDIMA: eProcurement Pilot
  • EADS: Change management process
  • CRF: Automotive Pilot
  • CAS: Car Configuration
Deliverable providing evaluationD.A2.5 “Validation of Research Results” (M24)