ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Enterprise Interoperability Maturity Model for SMEs (EIMM-SME)


Solution data
NameEnterprise Interoperability Maturity Model for SMEs (EIMM-SME)
Result type
  • Model
  • Methodology, guidelines
Description/functionalityThe Enterprise Interoperability Maturity Model for SMEs (EIMM-SME) is a staged model, based on the structure of the EIMM developed within ATHENA. The new model has been adapted for SME environments. Based on an EIMM-SME assessment, SMEs will be guided to choose the right concepts for improving their capabilities, by taking into account actual market and enterprise challenges.
Benefits to interoperabilityThis approach will help SMEs assess their interoperability maturity in order to be able to participate in digital ecosystems. The model provides a roadmap for establishing core capabilities required for participating in digital ecosystems.
Supported models/methodologies 
Supported input interfaces 
Supported output interfaces 
Validation/demonstrationThe EIMM which this model is based on has been validated through internal trials.
Standards compliance 
AvailabilityDocumentation about the EIMM-SME can be found in the DA8.2 deliverable and its appendixes. The model is also supported by an Excel sheet.
Web references 
ATHENA metadata
Contact personIgor Santos, ESI
ContributorsESI, IPK, DFKI, UB1
Provided by project/activity
  • A1 – Enterprise Modelling in the Context of Collaborative Enterprises
  • A8 – SME Interoperability in Practice
Deliverables representing resultD.A8.2 - Guidelines and Best Practices for Applying the ATHENA Interoperability Framework to Support SME Participation in Digital Ecosystems
Contribution to key result
  • 7. Guidelines and Best Practices
Used in pilot 
Deliverable providing evaluation