ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Conformance testing suite


Solution data
NameConformance testing suite
Result typeTool
  • This results covers two subresults in the context of conformance testing. The first result addresses the conformacne of EXPRESS messages The second result looks at the interactions of organisations and tests conformance of the interaction itself.
  • Conformance and interoperability testing are procedures that should be performed to validate and assure the quality of the global integrated system.
  • To assure the quality of a system it is necessary to verify the conformity of its data with the conceptual model. In the proposed approach, the data is exchanged in XML and the reference model originally defined in EXPRESS.
  • Usually, this kind of validation is designated by conformance testing and is performed in two different stages: Firstly, model validation, and secondly rules/constraints validation.
    The conformance-test Johnson plugin uses the output of this transformation tool, since the validation of the XML data with his EXPRESS model will be executed using the model converted represented XSD and the rules/constraints in Schematron format
  • The ATHENA B2B Conformance Testing Systems allows a user to check conformance of an interaction with a business partners. For that, the system can be configured to behave like the business partner. The basic assumption is that a B2B interaction is defined by the content and structure of the messages exchanged as well as the sequence in which the messages are exchanged. The system allows testing all three mentioned aspects.
  • Furthermore, the system is configurable and provides detailed reports.
  • The system is complemented with a set of integrated tools that support the definition of test suites based on existing instances of messages.
  • The system not only provides conformance testing capabilities but can also be used for simulation of (business) functionality. For example the system was used in the EADS pilot to simulate the PDM system.
Benefits to interoperability
  • Assure Conformance to a given message exchange pattern
  • Allow business partners to validate conformance before doing online test
  • Supports all XML based Industry Standards
Supported models/methodologies-
Supported input interfaces-
Supported output interfaces-
  • INTRACOM: Product and Portfolio Management
  • CRF: Automotive Pilot
  • AIDIMA: eProcurement Pilot
Standards compliance-
Web references-
ATHENA metadata
Contact person-
Provided by project/activity
  • A5: Planned and Customisable Service-Oriented Architectures
  • B5: Piloting including Technology Testing Coordination and Pilot Infrastructure
Deliverables representing resultWD.B5.4: Reference Manual to ATHENA Prototyping Services (M24)
Contribution to key result
  • 8: Interoperability Infrastructure
Used in pilot
  • INTRACOM: Product and Portfolio Management
  • CRF: Automotive Pilot
  • AIDIMA: eProcurement Pilot
Deliverable providing evaluationD.A5.5 “Validation of Research Results” (M24)