ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

EXP2XMI (Express to XMI model transformation)


Solution data
NameEXP2XMI (Express to XMI model transformation)
Result typeModel transformation
Description/functionalityThe EXP2XMI model transformation tool, is a tool that makes the mapping of the structural part of a model described in STEP-EXPRESS (ISO 10303-25) to XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) according to the recommendations of Part25 (ISO 10303-25).
Benefits to interoperability
  • OMG is using UML along with its Model Driven Architectures (MDA) to enable the integration of different applications by explicitly relating their models. This enables interoperability and supports systems evolution (deployment choices) as platform technologies change.
  • Compared to STEP, UML related tools abound, which facilitates the task of many organizations that want to use it. It is also major problem to visualize the relationships between STEP constructs and the other information types that were used in their development process. UML, through its class diagrams and through its profile extensibility mechanism, provides much simpler mechanisms to perform that task [2].
  • If the tool is feed with an EXPRESS service metamodel, the output will provide means for the integration with the Athena PIM4SOA format.
Supported models/methodologies-
Supported input interfacesEXPRESS
Supported output interfacesXMI version 1.1
Validation/demonstrationValidation and demonstration in the B5 testing and piloting activities, particulary for AIDIMA and EADS scenarios.
Standards compliance
  • Installed service / solution
  • Binary download
  • Requires JAVA 1.4 or above.
  • Depends on the Part 25 evolution, wich specifies a standard way to map from the EXPRESS standard to the XMI standard
Web references-
ATHENA metadata
Contact personHugo Vieira, UNINOVA
Provided by project/activity
  • A6 – Model-driven and Adaptive Interoperability Architectures
Deliverables representing result-
Contribution to key result
  • 13. Model-driven and Adaptable Interoperability Framework and Infrastructure
Used in pilot-
Deliverable providing evaluation-