ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Enterprise Interoperability Degree Measurement (EIDM)


Solution data
NameEnterprise Interoperability Degree Measurement (EIDM)
Result type
  • Model
  • Methodology, guidelines
Description/functionalityThe Enterprise Interoperability Degree Measurement (EIDM), is preformed in an inter-enterprise context (or between two heterogeneous systems). The measure of interoperability degree is decomposed into two sub-measures defined as compatibility and operational performances.
Benefits to interoperabilityThis model provides a means to identify interoperability barriers faced by organizations that want to interoperate.
Supported models/methodologies 
Supported input interfaces 
Supported output interfaces 
Validation/demonstrationThe EIDM has been validated in the scenario described in the A8 sub-project.
Standards compliance 
  • Documentation about the EIMM-SME can be found in the DA8.2 deliverable and its appendixes. The model is also supported by a web based tool.
Web references 
ATHENA metadata
Contact personDavid Chen, UB1
ContributorsUB1, ESI
Provided by project/activity
  • A8 – SME Interoperability in Practice
Deliverables representing resultD.A8.2 - Guidelines and Best Practices for Applying the ATHENA Interoperability Framework to Support SME Participation in Digital Ecosystems
Contribution to key result
  • 7. Guidelines and Best Practices
Used in pilot 
Deliverable providing evaluation