ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Gap Table Analyser (GTA)


Solution data
NameGap Table Analyser (GTA)
Result typeTool
Description/functionalityThe Gap Table Analyser (GTA) is a web (middleware) solution that supports the enterprises willing to collaborate in the context of an interoperability project. For these enterprises, GTA provides a SOA platform with services performing the comparison of the enterprises exposed Capability Tables. This comparison is performed with the support of appropriate comparison agents, and the result is captured in the Gap Table.
Benefits to interoperability
  • Implementation of a SOA platform for comparing Capability Tables.
  • Identify interoperability mismatches and collect them in Gap Table cells.
  • Generation of report with details about the identified interoperability mismatches as derived from models and artefacts.
Supported models/methodologies-
Supported input interfaces-
Supported output interfaces-
Standards complianceUse of web service standards (XML, WSDL)
  • Requires Java 2, network connection.
  • Uses the BPEL Analyzer and the WSDL Analyzer, which are not publicly available outside of ATHENA.
Web references-
ATHENA metadata
ContributorsTXT e-solutions
Provided by project/activity
  • A4 – Interoperability Framework and Services for Networked Enterprises
Deliverables representing result-
Contribution to key result
  • 8. Interoperability Infrastructure
Used in pilot-
Deliverable providing evaluation-