ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)



Solution data
Result typeOntology authoring and management system
Description/functionalityThis result consists of an Ontology Authoring and Management System for Informational knowledge and Business Processes represented by the ATHOS tool and the associated OPAL (the Object, Process, Actor modelling Language) methodology. ATHOS allows the definition of both the domain concepts of an ontology and their relations.

OPAL has the goals to provide an ontology building method capable of supporting and guiding the ontology modeller; and to provide a number of inherent constraints, associated to the above mentioned categories, used to guarantee a better quality for the built ontology.

ATHOS now includes improved of query capabilities, able to answer to queries that involve the relations between concepts; Ontology Diagramming, able to show the ontology in a graphical way; and Import/Export facilities, for sharing ontologies with other tools and better integrating with the entire A3 semantic suite.

Benefits to interoperabilityATHOS supports the OPAL methodology guiding the ontology developer resulting in improved ontology quality. Improved capabilities of ATHOS improve its usability for the pilots.
Supported models/methodologiesAn OPAL ontology stored in the Athos DB. To be exported into proprietary XML, XMI-light, OWL
Supported input interfaces-
Supported output interfacesExport of ontologies via web service to be mainly used by A* and Argos
  • AIAG: eKanban Pilot
  • AIDIMA: eProcurement Pilot
  • EADS: Change management process
  • CRF: Automotive Pilot
Standards compliance-
Web references-
ATHENA metadata
Contact personFrancesco Taglino, LEKS
Provided by project/activity
  • A3 – Knowledge Support and Semantic Mediation Solutions
Deliverables representing resultD.A3.2: Ontology Authoring and Management System for informational knowledge and Business Processes (M20)
Contribution to key result
  • 11. Ontology-based Semantic Annotation and Reconciliation method/language/tool
Used in pilot
  • AIAG: eKanban Pilot
  • AIDIMA: eProcurement Pilot
  • EADS: Change management process
  • CRF: Automotive Pilot
Deliverable providing evaluation-