ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

RSM PIM4SOA(UML) to PIM4SOA(EMF) Transformation Feature


Solution data
NameRSM PIM4SOA(UML) to PIM4SOA(EMF) Transformation Feature
Result typeModel transformation
Description/functionalityThe UML profile for PIM4SOA allows user to develop solutions in an easy way using a plug-in for Rational Software Modeller. This plug-in allows users to model the identified four aspects of PIM4SOA in UML. However modelling PIM4SOA solutions means these models could get out of synchronisation with the PIM4SOA metamodel. To resolve this issue a transformation to the metamodel is defined using MTF (Model Transformation Framework). This framework is based on a transformation rules specification.

This feature gathers two transformations between a UML model annotated with the PIM4SOA profile and the PIM4SOA model. The first one transforms from UML model into PIM4SOA model and the second one is used for the reverse transformation.

Benefits to interoperabilityThis feature makes possible to define SOA solutions at platform independent model level transforming UML models into PIM4SOA models. The reverse transformation enables the graphically representation (UML like) of PIM4SOA models. Thus the benefits and contribution to interoperability are based on the usage of the PIM4SOA.
Supported models/methodologiesUML profile for PIM4SOA
Supported input interfacesUML profile for PIM4SOA
Supported output interfacesPIM4SOA
Validation/demonstrationTransforming AIDIMA UML model to PIM4SOA.
Standards complianceThis feature is based on the ongoing model transformation standard proposal:
  • Binary download
  • Source code
LicenseEclipse Public License
Requirements/dependenciesThis feature requires:
  • RSM (Rational Software Modeler)
  • Model Transformation Framework (MTF):
  • UML profile for PIM4SOA
  • Eclipse Modelling Framework
Web references
ATHENA metadata
Contact personXabier Larrucea, ESI
Provided by project/activity
  • A6 – Model-driven and Adaptive Interoperability Architectures
Deliverables representing result-
Contribution to key result
  • 13. Model-driven and Adaptable Interoperability Framework and Infrastructure
Used in pilot-
Deliverable providing evaluation-