ATHENA Interoperability Framework (AIF)

Web Services Profiles for RSM Feature


Solution data
NameRSM Web Services Profiles Feature
Result typeModelling tool
Description/functionalityUML profiles for description of WebService artefacts (XSD and WSDL) have been developed. The profiles have been implemented as plug-ins for Rational Software Modeller/Architect.
Benefits to interoperabilityAllows interchange of models between UML modelling tools. Generation of consistent WSDL and XSD schema files from UML models.
Supported models/methodologies
  • UML profile for XSD
  • UML profile for WSDL
  • UML profile for BPEL
Supported input interfacesXMI 2.0
Supported output interfacesXMI 2.0
Standards compliance-
  • Binary download
  • Source code
LicenseEclipse Public License
  • RSM (Rational Software Modeler)
Web references
ATHENA metadata
Contact personBrian Elvesæter, SINTEF
Provided by project/activity
  • A5 – Planned and Customisable Service-Oriented Architectures
Deliverables representing result
  • D.A5.3
  • D.A5.4
Contribution to key result
  • 12. Service Composition Framework
  • 13. Model-driven and Adaptable Interoperability Framework and Infrastructure
Used in pilot-
Deliverable providing evaluation-